Volunteer with Us
Become a part of the story God uses to mentor kids in life, in sport, and in faith.
At On Target Outfitters we believe in the power of mentors - the difference one person can make in the life of another. All of us can benefit from learning from someone further down the path of life, and all of us can be a blessing to someone coming behind us. The greatest thing we can leave to the next generation is a legacy of faith.
Every child can benefit from mentors outside of their home.
Especially for those who do not have a healthy family life. Camp counselors, volunteers, coaches, and instructors can all do more than just pass on skills. They can change a young person’s life by being a friend and a role model. They can speak truth into the young person’s life and help them become all God created them to be.
Types of volunteer roles:
Projects (property and facility)
Special Events
Fundraising Team
What Our Volunteers Are Saying
“Baiting hooks, helping load arrows on a bow, teaching how to throw tomahawks and cooking fish are all rewarding ways for this volunteer to earn the opportunity to share the love of Jesus Christ with kids & families. Volunteering at On Target Outfitters is a blessing, and there is so much enjoyment that comes working alongside others who share the same vision and passion.”
— Cliff Harmon, Bluffton OH
“As a volunteer, I love witnessing the joy on kid’s faces when they learn to catch a fish or hit the archery target. It is so fun to build friendships with them through these activities and to look for the natural opportunities to speak truth into their lives. I enjoy helping create opportunities for families to spend time together in creation and fostering conversions about life and faith. If you are looking for a place to make a difference in the lives of kids or families, come join us at On Target.
— Cindy Schneck, Pandora OH
“On Target Outfitters adds so much value to the youth of our community by providing educational outdoor and recreational activities centered around faith and mentoring of our future generations. While On Target works to get funding from various sources, it relies heavily on volunteerism to assist where other allocated funds do not. It is important to me to take the strengths and abilities I’ve been gifted with to better the community I’m raising my family in.”
— Brandon Burrow, Findlay OH
Screening Process
As we strive to provide the best and safest place for kids, we ask for your assistance in the screening process. All volunteers must complete a background check.
All volunteers working with students must also take an online Ch- As we strive to provide the best and safest place for kids, we ask for your assistance in the screening process.ild Safety Course
All volunteers must read, acknowledge and abide by the Volunteer Handbook for On Target Outfitters.
All volunteers must participate in trainings