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Parent/Child Archery League

Are you looking for a fun way to spend quality time with your child this winter?

We are bringing generations together one arrow at a time again this winter in our Parent (or Adult Mentor) & Child Archery League. These two person teams will combine their scores and shoot against others in a similar category as them (based on the equipment they are using) to make the league fun, fair and competitive. This league will be offered on Monday and Thursday nights. There will be separate registration for Monday and Thursday - Please make sure that you register for the night you want to participate. The cost for this 8 week league is $95 per team.

Mondays - January 6th through February 24th 6 - 7:30 PM

Thursdays - January 9th through February 27th 6 - 7:30 PM

Please only register your child. You will be able to fill your information out within your child's registration form.

If a parent needs to shoot with more than one child, we can accommodate, but please call Katrina to register the additional children. (330)423-5101 ext 1

November 5

Archery Team

February 24

Autism & Archery